Reading Room

Welcome to our thoughtfully curated and growing collection. We carefully assemble a range of insightful and empowering books aimed at providing guidance, support, and understanding as you care for those navigating the complexities of crisis. These topics offer valuable perspectives and practical tools.

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World Split Open

by Elisabeth Klein
A novel delving into a challenging Christian marriage.

When Your Husband Is Addicted to Pornography: Healing Your Wounded Heart

by Vicki Tiede
Healing from pornography.

Surviving in a Difficult Christian Marriage: Questions & Suggestions

by Elisabeth Klein
Difficult marriage questions and suggestions.

Self-Centered Spouse: Help for Chronically Broken Marriages (Gospel for Real Life)

by Brad Hambrick
Identifying unhealthy and destructive paths in marriage.

Help! Our Sex Life Is Troubled By Past Abuse

by Nate Brooks and Anna Mondal
Impact of past sexual abuse on marriage.

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