Thoughtful. Biblical. Comprehensive.
Dedicated to creating rich resources for one-another care.
Our Staff are continually developing ideas for resources to equip counselors, helpers, and leaders. Each resource perfectly coincides with our mission, vision, and goals.
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Safe to Hope is a unique podcast in its purpose, structure, and content. Each Season our guests share their real-life experiences of abuse, trauma, and the process of restoring their lives. Expert Contributors then interact with these stories to provide insights into biblical care for the oppressed, offer wisdom for helphers, and often draw our attention to falsehoods.
The [H] Institute is another Help[H]er initiative offering online continuing education for those who desire to be better equipped to care for women in crisis. Our curriculum is created and developed by seminary-trained instructors and taught by experts with many years of experience in the counseling and equipping context. Our course structure provides teaching as well as student interactions.
Voices is a community of sharing experiences, laments, anguish, and joy. We not only share but entrust and steward knowing that our Lord has equipped and called us. Equipped for one-another care. Called to be a soldier accruing wounds and scars of battle. Presented as poetry or articles, our voices are unwavering and break silence.
Help[H]er Staff curates an expanding directory of recommended books for helpers, counselors, and leaders. Topics vary from toxic churches, marriages, emotions, and of course healing. Titles and authors are chosen because of their Christ-centered foundation and their understanding of the human experience.
[H]ub exists to resource counselors, people helpers, and the church with materials dedicated to one-another care and committed to, “Do no harm.” [H]ub publications are grounded in biblical anthropology yet seek to foster further conversation. [H]ub encourages authors to create resources for crisis care that embrace the “life abundant” for which Jesus died.